About Jill

Jill has over 50 years of personal experience with various health challenges that opened the doors for the development of her compassion for others who may suffer in a like manner. She spent many hours in meditation and research to find the answers to the seemingly unsolvable health issues. Her passion is to assist others by providing education in the Ancient protocols for every day living that brought about change in her personal health. Her book titled Home-Made Answers for Cancer and Life Altering Disease describes many details of her health journey.

With minimal and at times no standard medical intervention, Jill has overcome the seemingly insurmountable health obstacles she faced. Leaving behind chronic ear, nose and throat complications; Lyme’s Disease; Epstein Barr Virus, Mononucleosis and post infection complications; blood infection; Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia; chronic insomnia; Heavy Metal Toxicity; allergies; Chemical Sensitivities; EMF/EMR Sensitivities and more, resulting in a level of change in her health that is evident.

Patience, time and dedication are required skills that will enhance a healthy result in what Jill shares. Jill has learned what provides protection from the numerous health threatening developments that surround us all. Those innovative developments cannot be escaped but there are simple, inexpensive aids to help protect one from overexposure. Good health, and the resulting beauty it was designed to produce, have been lost through the sands of time and must be returned to the current and future generations.

Jill relied on insight gained through proper interpretation of Ancient texts. Her desire is to share her insight in order to assist others in learning the Ancient pathways that lead to a healthy body and eternal Soul.


Time is moving quickly toward the Holiday season many enjoy yet become stressed from all its doing.  What does the word Holiday mean, and what message are we sending to the Universe/Heavens when we designate a specific date as a holiday or participate in those holidays, especially if those holidays are named after a person or collective group of people?  The Universe/Heavens may read the activity within those holidays much differently than we do.  Let’s dive into some details and see what is revealed.  

The word holiday is “Holy” and “Day” put together.  Easy enough.  So, what does Holy mean?  Holy is associated with divine power, something with a highly moral or spiritual purpose.  Ok, so what does divine mean?  Divine relates to deities; to be an expression of a deity.  Now, what does deity mean?  The essential nature or condition of being a god.  Notice the word “nature”, indicative of an attribute that is naturally given or through a means of natural events or things.  Let’s apply this collection of definitions to some of the holidays that are most common in the United States.  

Soon to approach and pass is Halloween.  Although not commonly called a holiday, is often given recognition as though a holiday; it is a yearly event on a specific date that includes activities and/or attire of a certain kind.  With specific décor and designated activities connected to such a day what is the message the Universe/Heavens is receiving?  Are we giving improper recognition to some form of deity or divine power?  These seem to be fair questions.  

What about the holidays named after specific persons or groups of people (i.e., Presidents)?   I’m certain some recognized in these categories did not qualify as a deity and, they may have had power, but could that power be qualified as Holy?  When government owned and operated businesses close in recognition of a specified holiday, it has a greater impact on the message sent to the Universe/Heavens.  

Let’s move on to Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving takes it a few steps further with government offices closing their doors, and most businesses following suit, to give recognition to a specific date that was selected by President Abraham Lincoln, albeit seemingly on a whim.  Certainly, it is proper to give thanks for the harvest provided (work, money, food) but the level of recognition and celebration directed toward it, and I’ll throw in the moon phase Thanksgiving Day is often positioned in, may be giving off an incorrect message.  Are the celebratory foods and gatherings giving recognition to a god/goddess outside of the God of Heaven?  Greek goddess of the harvest was Demeter; Roman goddess of agriculture was Ceres, both respected figures.  Are the intended “thanks” of Thanksgiving translating to something different than what is intended once it is received in the sound waves of the Universe?  Our intentions are well-meaning but just like going to a foreign country, if you do not know what the local cultural acceptances are for attire, greetings or mealtime you may send off a very offensive message albeit by an ignorant mistake.  

Dare I tiptoe through the sound wave message sent during the Christmas holiday?  There is a much deeper meaning to the time in which many celebrate Christmas.  There are powerful cosmic events that have been overtaken by what is now recognized as Christmas.   The cosmic events connected to the Third Quarter Moon phase have to do with the health and function of the cells within the body and this important fact has been drowned out by the focus on shopping, Santa Claus, seasonal music, gatherings and big fancy meals.  If you do not have even a whisper of science, biology or chemistry under your belt you will not grasp any detailed description of the cellular activity that takes place.  The cartoon collection of Santa, elves, wrapped gifts and Christmas trees cloud what the season truly means and what is to take place.  And, in the midst of it all, what message is being sent to the sound waves of the Universe?  Are we slamming the door in the face of the cosmic events that can benefit our physical body?  If we step too far into the play land of Christmas we can cut ourselves off from the cosmic activity, that does include receiving gifts from the Heavens that pass through others yet on a cellular level, not contained in a box with a pretty little bow.  It is not about Santa and reindeer flying through the sky and passing by the moon.  That scene is indicative of an ancient wisdom directed at the cosmic activity that takes place on or near Third Quarter Moon.  I sense we all have much more to learn about what sound wave messages the traditional holidays are truly sending.  It’s beginning to look a lot like …… it all may need some remodeling.   Exodus 20:3:  Do not have other gods besides me.  (CSB) 

Happy Thanksgiving!  And remember the One that provided the reason for you to say Thank You!  




Harvest of Healing provides a platform for education with respect to Ancient truths and practices, giving guidance for the application of required lifestyle protocols that ultimately enhance the Star Dust (electricity within blood cells) resulting in health of the body, and delivery of healthy descendants and environment. Unveiling the Ancient traditions Jill provides study material to those who are currently in the throws of a health disturbance or crisis, those who want to learn how to avoid a potential health setback, and those who are ready to learn how to live in a manner that produces a benefit, not only for themselves but also for the earth and her environment. Integration of steps required in order to become an eternal being are also shared.

About Jill


Jill has over 50 years of personal experience with various health challenges that opened the doors for the development of her compassion for others who may suffer in a like manner. She spent many hours in meditation and research to find the answers to the…

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